Recorded List of Hoosier Cabinet Manufacturers Grows
I found something that is really interesting to me. Maybe to you also. It seems that Google Books has scanned and made available on the internet, books on many subjects (I don’t know how many, search Google Books for a subject that interests you on your computer). I found 5-6 on early furniture companies that also had advertisements from kitchen cabinet manufactures. From the beginning of the Kitchen Cabinet Museum here at Coppes Commons people have wanted to know how many companies made the kitchen cabinets called “Hoosiers”. To that end I have been recording newly discovered companies on to my “List of Hoosier Cabinet Manufactures” which I intend to share with you in today’s History Corner. But first, I need to make a disclaimer. Almost all the companies on my list are there because I personally have seen a likeness of a cabinet that can easily be named a “Hoosier” cabinet. I look for names of Hoosier cabinets manufactures everywhere. Some companies are from eBay listings, some from cabinets in antique stores, magazines & newspaper advertisements, and then Google Books advertisements.
I was looking at the Google Books, St. Louis Furniture Journals for the years 1924-25-26 and found several new (new to me) cabinet company advertisements. I also looked at the 1917 & 1921 The Furniture Worker and found some more. I’m beginning to think that a lot of furniture manufacturing companies during the heyday of the Hoosier cabinet fad tried their hand at making a version of a Hoosier style kitchen cabinet.
Here are three advertisements for kitchen cabinet manufacturing companies that I recently found. I used these three Advertisements because they are all close to Northern Indiana, and I did not know of them until recently.
This is turning into a long Bill’s History Corner. Next, this is my current (as of Oct. 28, 18) list of Hoosier cabinet Manufactures. This list contains some of my notes also. I’m sure the list will grow larger as more companies are discovered.

Our collected list of Hoosier Cabinet manufacturers as of Oct. 28, 2018.
Disclaimer-Names of MFG. were found in many places, eBay listings, Cabinets in Antique Stores, Advertisements in Magazines, Trade Journals, Etc. In most cases, I actually looked at a likeness of a cabinet or an actual kitchen cabinet that was constructed in the style of Hoosier Cabinets. A cabinet that is free-standing, with top and bottom parts and a work surface and large amounts of storage. Some listings contain my notes. Abernathy Furniture Co, Kansas City, MO Ariel Cabinet Company - Peru, Indiana ”handyhelper” Baines, Mosier Company, Allegan, MICH. Pic. In file Biederman Mfg. Co. Spencerville, Ohio (2 roll-ups) Boone Kitchen Cabinet - Campbell-Smith-Ritchie Co. - Lebanon, Indian Chatham-Manson Campbell Co, Chatham, Ont 1900- Culinart, Frankfort, Ind. Dearborn Desk Manufacturing Co, Marion, IN (The Marion Cabinet Co.), have cabinet Diamond Kitchen Cabinets - Shelbyville, Ind. The C.F. Schmoe Furniture Co. (have advertisement) “Domestic Science” Built in Kitchen Units. McDougall Co. Frankfort, Ind. “Dulin” Anderson-Dulin Varnell Co. Knoxville, KY. 3 different cabinets Mfg. by Coppes for Dulin Easiwork Kitchen Cabinet, 242 Tottenham Court Road. LONDON, W. 1. (eBay listing) Elwell- Minneapolis, MN Have pic. In adv. file Greencastle - Greencastle Cabinet Co., Greencastle, Indiana H J Scheirich, Louisville, KY, and Scheirich, Louisville, Kentucky. Hartman’s white beauty Comfort Kitchen Cabinet No location, printed tin sign. Hastings, Hastings Cabinet Company, Hastings, Michigan Harris - Brown table Co, Greenwood, Miss --- Patented item? Sept 9, 1912 Hoosier Manufacturing Co. New Castle, Indiana “HOPPER" Brand Kitchen Cabinet Cupboard, made in Sioux City, Iowa. (ebay item) Hygena, Liverpool, England. 1930s Ebay item Ideal - Vincennes, Indiana Ideal, Vincennes Furniture Manufacturers, Vincennes Indiana I-XL furniture Co (Goshen IN)-looks like Coppes parts Kelly foundry and Machine, Goshen, IN Kemp Levenworth KS listing on ebay Keystone, Littlestown, PA Example with clock “Kitchen Maid” Wasmuth-Endicott, Andrews, IND. (ebay cabinet listing) KLANKE Furniture co. New Bremen, Ohio Kuchins Furn. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, MO “3 K Kitchen Cabinet, Keep, Kitchen, Kleen" Pics. Landau Cabinet Co, St Louis, Mo Mutschler Bros. Manufacturing, Nappanee, IN Kemper Brothers, Founded in Feb 9, 1926 - Richmond, IN/Cincinnati, OH. ---- ---- Subsidiary of Masterbrand Cabinets, Jasper, IN. 2017, Still in business. Marsh - High Point, North Carolina (Marsh Furniture Company) (have adv.) The Ohio State Stove & Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio (Royal Ossco all steel kitchen cabinet) John Thomas, “Manufacture of Kitchen Cabinets, Galveston, Indiana” we have cabinet. Oxford- 1930's, Oxford, PA McClure. Marion, IN McDougall - Frankfort, Indiana MONARCH ???????? & CABINETS (from label on cabinet) Napanee - Nappanee, IN (Coppes, Zook & Mutschler) (Coppes Bros. & Zook) (Coppes, INC.) Red Wing Cabinet Co. Red Wing, Minn. eBay listing Sellers - Elwood, Indiana Showers Brothers Furniture Co. - Bloomington, Indiana The Tippycanoe, "THE TIPP BLDG. & MFG. CO. Tippycanoe City, Ohio. "Tippycanoe Kitchen Cabinets, ‘None Better" (Ebay item, pics in file) Wilson - Grand Rapids, Michigan (sold by Sears) Harris-Brown table co. kitchen cabinet The Manson Cambell Company, Chatham, ONT. White Barton Cabinet Company, ??? Galax Furniture & Lumber Co. Galax, VA. “MFRS. of Kitchen Cabinets, Bed Room Suites & Chiffoniers.”- --- Have photo of cabinet @ Antique Mall in Port Shelton, MI Springfield Model Kitchen Cabinet, Springfield Furniture Co., Springfield, MO “Perfection” Colonial Cabinet Co. 2616 N. 15th St. St. Louis, MO. Ad. in 1915 St. Louis Furniture News “The Helpmate Cabinet” Little Rock Furniture Manu. Co. Little Rock, ARK. “Justrite Cupboards & Kitchen Cabinets”, Indiana Furniture Company, Evansville, IN Ad in June 1915 ---------St. Louis Furniture News Mother Hubbard’s New Cupboards, The Cardinal Cabinet Co. Wabash, IN. P. 52 June ‘15 St. Louis --- --------Furniture News Joering and Pelchmann Co. St Louis, MO ad on page 39, July 1915, St Louis Furniture News Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. Statesville, NC. Ad on P. 48 Sept, 1915 St. Louis Furniture News. Campbell, Smith & Ritchie. Lebanon, Ad in 1905 Furniture journal McAnsh, Dwyer & Co. Chicago, IL. Ad in 1905 Furniture Journal- C. Niemann & Co. Rockwell St. Chicago, IL Ad in 1905 Furniture Journal